
Minggu, 18 April 2010

Get Free Ebook A Concise History of Nazi GermanyBy Joseph W. Bendersky

Get Free Ebook A Concise History of Nazi GermanyBy Joseph W. Bendersky

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A Concise History of Nazi GermanyBy Joseph W. Bendersky

A Concise History of Nazi GermanyBy Joseph W. Bendersky

A Concise History of Nazi GermanyBy Joseph W. Bendersky

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A Concise History of Nazi GermanyBy Joseph W. Bendersky

This balanced history offers a concise, readable introduction to Nazi Germany. Combining compelling narrative storytelling with analysis, Joseph W. Bendersky offers an authoritative survey of the major political, economic, and social factors that powered the rise and fall of the Third Reich. Now in its fourth edition, the book incorporates significant research of recent years, analysis of the politics of memory, postwar German controversies about World War II and the Nazi era, and more on non-Jewish victims. Delving into the complexity of social life within the Nazi state, it also reemphasizes the crucial role played by racial ideology in determining the policies and practices of the Third Reich. Bendersky paints a fascinating picture of how average citizens negotiated their way through both the threatening power behind certain Nazi policies and the strong enticements to acquiesce or collaborate. His classic treatment provides an invaluable overview of a subject that retains its historical significance and contemporary importance.

  • Sales Rank: #367446 in Books
  • Published on: 2013-07-11
  • Released on: 2013-07-11
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.01" h x .63" w x 5.97" l, .85 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 270 pages

Joseph Benderksy's new edition of A Concise History of Nazi Germany manages to be concise and comprehensive—as well as up-to-date. I have used earlier editions in my courses on twentieth-century Germany with great success. It leads students through Nazism from its inception in post–World War I Germany to the years of the Third Reich and then into what he calls the ‘intractable Nazi legacy’ that lives on to this day. Nazism, it seems, will not go away. This book provides students with a solid platform from which to launch their exploration of the effects and the meaning of the Nazi phenomenon. (Karl A. Schleunes, University of North Carolina at Greensboro)

Bendersky's history is an excellent, well-written introduction to the major issues and complicated structure of Nazi Germany. His text complements monographs on specific topics and equips students to handle them better. (Richard Breitman, American University)

Incorporating significant research of recent years, analysis of the politics of memory, German controversies and more material on non-Jewish victims of the war, Bendersky examines concisely the rise and fall of the Third Reich. He begins with the origins and development of Nazism from 1919 to 1928, discussing the Weimar Republic in crisis, the rise of Hitler, the history of the roots of Nazi ideology, and party structure, propaganda, and followers during the early days. He then works through the seizure and consolidation of power from 1929 to 1934, including the parliamentary struggles for power, Hitler's use and abuse of the legal system, the nazification of German society from 1934 to 1938, and the rise and fall of Nazism in Europe from 1933 to 1945. He closes with the aforesaid material on the current struggle for justice and accurate historical memory. (Book News, Inc.)

About the Author
Joseph W. Bendersky is professor of history at Virginia Commonwealth University.

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A Concise History of Nazi GermanyBy Joseph W. Bendersky PDF

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